A N T H R O P O L O G Y by JasonTheHuman “Are you gonna eat that?” Lyra looked expectantly at the cake that was still on Bon-Bon’s plate.  Her roommate lifted a hoof to pull the plate a bit closer to her side of the table. “Honestly, Lyra…” “Sorry. But it’s just been sitting there, and – “ “We just got to Sugarcube Corner five minutes ago,” Bon-Bon said. “And excuse me if I was a little shocked by how you inhaled yours.” Coming here had become a tradition, something the two of them did every weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Cake were some of the best bakers in Ponyville, if not all of Equestria. For ponies who both loved sweets, it was a natural hangout. “You think cake and candy are some kind of art form, don’t you?” “It’s what I make for a living! Of course there’s an art to it!” Bon-Bon said. “And anyway, I’ve finally gotten a job interview scheduled with the owners, so before we know it, I might even be working here.” “That’s nice. Will we get free cake, then?” Lyra asked. Bon-Bon glared at her. “Anyway, I heard you were invited to play at the Grand Galloping Gala this year. That’s quite an honor,” Bon-Bon said. She took a single bite of her cake, enjoying it, savoring the flavor, unlike a certain unicorn. Lyra nodded vigorously. “Yeah! Can you believe it? I’m not too good with formal events, though.” “I… can’t imagine why.” Bon-Bon’s attention was fixed on some chocolate frosting still hanging off Lyra’s chin. “Let’s hope it doesn’t turn out to be a disaster like it was last year. You heard about that, right?” Lyra nodded. “I never would have thought Fluttershy had it in her. It’s always the quiet ones.” Taking another small bite of her cake, Bon-Bon continued. “So, have they told you what pieces you’ll be performing? Do you know what you’ll be wearing?” Lyra shrugged. “I dunno, maybe Rarity – “ “INCOMING!” They barely heard the buzz of the scooter approaching before it slammed into the table. Bon-Bon’s cake was propelled directly into her face. Lyra attempted unsuccessfully to stifle a laugh. “Scootaloo, are you sure that’s gonna be your special talent?” Apple Bloom said, walking towards the overturned table with Sweetie Belle at her side. Bon-Bon gaped at the three fillies, her face covered in frosting. “What can I say? Sometimes it’s better to finish quickly.” Lyra shrugged. “By the way, you’ve got a little something...” She lifted a hoof to her own face. “Right there.”  Bon-Bon had already snatched up a napkin and started wiping herself off. “Sorry about that,” Scootaloo said, shaking her head. She adjusted her helmet. “I was going so fast that time! Now I just need to work on my turns…” She gave a weak smile. “No problem,” Lyra said. Bon-Bon hesitated and took a deep breath. “Y-yes… No… problem… at… all.” “Lighten up, they’re just kids. Remember what it was like trying to get a cutie mark when you were that age? I don’t blame them for trying all this crazy stuff.” Sweetie Belle’s face brightened up. “Hey, we never asked you how you got your cutie mark! Your talent is music, isn’t it?” She was staring at the golden harp on Lyra’s flank. “Yeah! Actually, it took me a long time to get my cutie mark. It was back in filly school when I lived in Canterlot. I was one of the last in my class to get mine, you know…” Lying awake in bed one night, Heartstrings – she’d still been calling herself Heartstrings back then – had heard her parents talking about her. “You know that Heartstrings has been struggling in school…” That was her mother. “Some unicorns just take longer to learn magic, that’s all. Things will come to her in time,” she heard her father reply. “But what if it doesn’t? It’s been too long now. No magic, no cutie mark. What if it’s all because she’s – “ “Heartstrings is a unicorn. It’s that simple. It’ll all come in time.” Of course, even though she was a filly, Heartstrings knew what they had been talking about.